Ytororo has a youth group, a women's group, an agricultural group and a church group to mention a few. I have started up a weekly kids Capoeira martial arts/reading/frisbee/duckduckgoose fun hour in different communities. This have been quite successful. This is a photo of us looking at the free ABC free kids magazines.
The agricultural group is very active in soil improvement, beekeeping, reforestation, gardening, green manure, diversification of crops and moving towards better organic farming. Recently there was a capacitation in soil management with a local cooperative.
We learned a few easy and homemade ways to make fertilizers as good or better than leading expensive brands and are much better at feeding the soil's microorganisms along with the plants. We made a mix that will ferment and then be sprayed containing homemade bone flour, limes, sugar cane juice, fresh manure, milk or whey, milk weed and water. Currently smelling up the front of my house. Heres a photo of this nutritious mess.
The agricultural group was also responsible for the water project now entering completion. The project will soon be handed over to the community but there is already running water available. Here we are using my faucet!
There is a tank and a well that goes along with it. This is a photo of the water control house. 
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